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  • Frozen Fallout: Nuclear Pollution in the Arctic

    Frozen Fallout: Nuclear Pollution in the Arctic

    During the Fukushima nuclear accident on March 11, 2011, radioactive material was released into terrestrial, marine, and freshwater environments. Some of the airborne contaminants were deposited on land areas of Japan through precipitation, while most of the remainder fell over the North Pacific Ocean. Less than 2% of the total fallout was deposited in areas outside Japan.


  • Beyond the Mushroom Cloud: What Prompted Japan to Surrender and Brought an End to WWII

    Beyond the Mushroom Cloud: What Prompted Japan to Surrender and Brought an End to WWII

    The ongoing debate on the necessity and moral justification of dropping two atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945 has consumed historians for decades. American researcher Ward Wilson has shifted the focus of that debate, steering it from theoretical considerations to practical aspects.

    Wilson contended that, from a nuclear policy standpoint, the crucial question is whether the use of nuclear weapons on enemy territory achieved its objective of successfully coercing Japan into unconditional surrender. According to Wilson, the answer is no.


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